Siu Shing Man's Research and Design Group

Journal Papers


Acceptance of Highly Automated Vehicles: The Role of Facilitating Condition, TechnologyAnxiety, Socia Influence and Trust ,International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

Siu Shing Man | Mengqi Ding | Xiaoyu Li | ... |


Afective Risk Perception index as a Screening Tool for Construction Workers ,Safety Science

Benyu Yang | Qun Wang | Siu Shing Man

Modern architecture stands at the converaence of innovation and sustain ability, uroina a reevaluation of construction materials, This paper explores the transform ative potential of biomaterials in reshaping the ecoloaical and aesthetic landscape of the built environment, By scrutinizina conventional ...



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Role of trust, risk perception, and perceived benefit in COVID-19 vaccination intention of the public Healthcare, 11(18), 2589.

Siu Shing Man | Huiying Wen | Ligao Zhao | Billy So

COViD-19 vaccination is an effective method for dealing with the coViD-19 pandemic. This study proposedandvalidated a theoretical intention model for explaining the COVlD-19 vaccination intention (Cvl) of thepublic.The theoretical intention model incorporated trust in vaccines, two types of risk perception (risk)..



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Acceptance of Highly Automated Vehicles: The Role of Facilitating Condition, TechnologyAnxiety, Socia Influence and Trust ,International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

Siu Shing Man | Mengqi Ding | Xiaoyu Li | ... |


Afective Risk Perception index as a Screening Tool for Construction Workers ,Safety Science

Benyu Yang | Qun Wang | Siu Shing Man

Modern architecture stands at the converaence of innovation and sustain ability, uroina a reevaluation of construction materials, This paper explores the transform ative potential of biomaterials in reshaping the ecoloaical and aesthetic landscape of the built environment, By scrutinizina conventional ...



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Role of trust, risk perception, and perceived benefit in COVID-19 vaccination intention of the public Healthcare, 11(18), 2589.

Siu Shing Man | Huiying Wen | Ligao Zhao | Billy So

COViD-19 vaccination is an effective method for dealing with the coViD-19 pandemic. This study proposedandvalidated a theoretical intention model for explaining the COVlD-19 vaccination intention (Cvl) of thepublic.The theoretical intention model incorporated trust in vaccines, two types of risk perception (risk)..



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