Siu Shing Man's Research and Design Group

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Siu Shing Man

South China University of Technology
SCUT . School of Design

Phone: 45854511254
Address: School of Design, South China University of Technology, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China

About me

Siu Shing Man, associate professor, master's supervisor. In 2015, he graduated from the City University of Hong Kong with a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering and engineering management, and then stayed on to study for a doctorate in human factors engineering under the supervision of Professor Chen Haishou. After graduating with a PhD in 2019, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Advanced Design and Systems Engineering at the City University of Hong Kong and the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In July 2022, he joined the School of Design of South China University of Technology. As the first author/corresponding author, he has published 25 papers in international high-level SCI/SSCI journals and EI conferences, such as Safety Science, Journal of Safety Research, Applied Ergonomics, Ergonomics, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, etc. He presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Project, Guangzhou Science and Technology Plan Project, South China University of Technology "Double First-Class" Construction Project, participated in the National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project, the Ministry of Education's "Human Factors and Ergonomics" Industry-University Cooperation and Collaborative Education Project, King Saud University Cooperation Project, Hong Kong Bus Company Horizontal Project, and Hong Kong S.A.R. Government Development Bureau Horizontal Project.


Afective Risk Perception index as a Screening Tool for Construction Workers

Benyu Yang | Qun Wang | Siu Shing Man

Modern architecture stands at the converaence of innovation and sustain ability, uroina a reevaluation of construction materials, This paper explores the transform ative potential of biomaterials in reshaping the ecoloaical and aesthetic landscape of the built environment, By scrutinizina conventional ...



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Role of trust, risk perception, and perceived benefit in COVID-19 vaccination intention of the public

Siu Shing Man | Huiying Wen | Ligao Zhao | Billy So

COViD-19 vaccination is an effective method for dealing with the coViD-19 pandemic. This study proposedandvalidated a theoretical intention model for explaining the COVlD-19 vaccination intention (Cvl) of thepublic.The theoretical intention model incorporated trust in vaccines, two types of risk perception (risk)..



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Sustainable Material innovation Design for Building Construction: Exploring Bio-Based Alternatives

Benyu Yang | Qun Wang | Siu Shing Man

Modern architecture stands at the converaence of innovation and sustain ability, uroina a reevaluation of construction materials, This paper explores the transform ative potential of biomaterials in reshaping the ecoloaical and aesthetic landscape of the built environment, By scrutinizina conventional ...



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Prizes / Honours(10)