Siu Shing Man's Research and Design Group

Vision and Mission

Tsinghua Future Laboratory was established on the 15th of December 2017 to promote cross-disciplinary research and development. As Tsinghua University's future oriented technological incubator, think tank, and explorer of future sciences, the future laboratory's mission is to continuously innovate, break through barriers between disciplines, and to carry out in-depth interdisciplinary research and academic exchange. With the vision of combining computing, communication, media and art, Future Laboratory's goal is to promote advances in human cognition, perception, and human-machine-environment interaction to explore the future of humanity and to revolutionize the human lifestyle and work environment. Tsinghua Future Laboratory strives to become a world-class interdisciplinary laboratory that improves our society through academic, industrial and social influences.


Latest News

  • Grant: Dr. Yiqi Zhang (PI) has been awarded a grant by the Center for Socially Responsible AI for the project "Enhancing Situation Awareness of Adversary ML in Human-AI Collaboration for Safe Implementation of Automated Driving Systems", 2023. News
  • Award: Dr. Zhang received the Stephanie Binder Young Professional Award from the HFES Surface Transportation Technical Groups at the 2021 HFES conference. Press release
  • Award: Shantanu Gupta received the Best Student Paper Award from HFES Human Performance Modeling Technical Groups at the 2022 HFES conference.
  • Award: Xiaomei Tan received the Best Student Paper Award-Honorable Mention from HFES Human Performance Modeling Technical Groups at the 2022 HFES conference.
  • Grant: Dr. Yiqi Zhang (PI) has been awarded a grant by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety for the project "The Effects of Training Content Exposure and Training Approaches on Drivers’ Understanding, Performance, Trust and Acceptance of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems", 2022.
  • Grant: Dr. Yiqi Zhang (co-PI) participated in the collaborative research team that has been awarded a grant for their project entitled "Socially Responsible AI for Autonomous Vehicles", 2022. News